Current Affairs

Highlights of key news relating to refugee protection in the region


BANGLADESH: ‘It’s Hell’: Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh Rally to ‘Go Home’

Rohingya refugees living in squalid conditions in Bangladesh are demanding to go home to Myanmar

19 June 2022


JAPAN: Japan to Recognise Turkish Kurd as Refugee After Appeals Court Ruling

Man in his 20s would become the first Turkish Kurd to be granted the status of refugee in Japan

12 July 2022


Voice of America (VOA) -- Death of Uyghur Refugee in Thai Detention Stirs Condemnation

WASHINGTON — A Uyghur refugee from China's Xinjiang region died of alleged police neglect this month at the Bangkok Immigration Detention Center, raising concerns about the treatment of the more than 50 Uyghur refugees who have been held at the center since 2014.

1 March 2023


A Message from the Cox's Bazar Refugee Camp

Khair Ullah, a Rohingya refugee and dedicated member of the APRRN Youth Working Group, shares the escalating challenges in Cox's Bazar refugee camp, including inadequate healthcare, insufficient rations, human trafficking, and lack of education.

2 July 2024


Govt urged to create conducive environment for refugees to live with dignity

In a joint statement today, the Alliance of Chin Refugees and Beyond Borders urged the government to create a conducive environment so that refugees can live with dignity.- NSTP/AZHAR RAMLI

3 August 2022


Japan grants refugee status to 98 Afghans fleeing Taliban rule

Japan has granted refugee status to 98 people who have fled Afghanistan since the Taliban returned to power last August, government sources said Tuesday, in a rare move for a country with a poor record on giving asylum.

23 August 2022


MALAYSIA: Refugee Tracking System Dehumanising, Open to Abuse, Say Groups

NGOs criticised the government’s decision to adopt the Tracking Refugees Information System (TRIS) for all United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) cardholders in Malaysia.

25 July 2022