APRRN 7th Asia Pacific Consultation on Refugee Rights Report
This year’s theme “10 years of APRRN” highlighted the successes and achievements over the past 10 years but also provided opportunities to discuss our strategies for moving forward as a network.
Workshops and side sessions held at the APCRR7 focused amongst other themes on the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCR & GCM), the Rohingya crisis, post deportation monitoring, innovation, and education among others. Working Groups also had the opportunity to discuss their action plans and strategies for 2018-2020.
APCRR7 provided participants with the opportunity to:
- Develop stronger relationships and better collaboration amongst members, other key stakeholders such as government representatives, UNHCR, donors and representatives from national and regional human rights bodies
- Identify priority work areas, key challenges, build and further strengthen the capacity of members to respond to such challenges
- Share and exchange knowledge of good practices and innovative strategies fo responding to existing and emerging protection challenges in the region
- Strategise for joint action, advocacy and campaigns to focus on in 2018 - 2020
- Strengthen, nurture and adapt the structure, governance and decision-making processes of APRRN