Global Statelessness Fund Townhall Meetings
Global Statelessness Fund Townhall Meetings
Join one of our townhall meetings on the Global Statelessness Fund!
These meetings will be an opportunity to present our purpose, approach, and next steps, and answer questions about the Fund.
Two townhall meetings will be held to accommodate different time zones:
Session 1 – Western hemisphere
Date: Wednesday, February 26th
Time: 8.30 AM New York, 1.30 PM London, 2.30 PM Brussels, 4.30 PM Nairobi, 8.30 PM Bangkok
Location: Online –Register on Zoom
Session 2 – Eastern hemisphere
Date: Thursday, February 27th
Time: 7 AM London, 8 AM Brussels, 10 AM Nairobi, 2 PM Bangkok, 6 PM Canberra
Location: Online – Register on Zoom
We invite:
- Civil society organizations engaged in rights-based work to address statelessness and discriminatory nationality laws
- Civil society organizations led by people impacted by statelessness and discriminatory nationality laws
- Civil society organizations that support groups and individuals impacted by statelessness and discriminatory nationality laws
- Human rights activists with lived experience of statelessness and/or whose work focuses on statelessness or addressing discriminatory nationality laws
For any questions about the meetings you can reach out to us at