Leveraging the HDP Nexus and Improving Protection through a Whole-of-Society Approach: Good Practices from the Asia Pacific
Global Refugee Forum 2023 - Geneva
Global Refugee Forum 2023 - Geneva
Open to the public, please register to attend
🕖 Time: 11:00-13:00
🌍 Venue: Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG) ) - Plenary Room E+F
Based on pioneering research and participatory action by development and humanitarian actors from the Asia Pacific, panelists representing refugees, governments, and NGOs will share best practices for implementing the whole-of-society approach to strengthen refugee self-reliance; integrate HDP Nexus in refugee solutions; and promote refugee-led initiatives for protection. The event is co-sponsored by KOICA, Good Neighbors, Act for Peace, KCOC, JPF, BRAC, APRRN, and Host International.