Strategic Litigation Network for the Human Rights of People on the Move in Asia and the Pacific
20 November 2024
Strategic Litigation Network for the Human Rights of People on the Move in Asia and the Pacific
The Strategic Litigation Network for the Human Rights of People on the Move in Asia and the Pacific is a workstream of the Regional United Nations Network on Migration for Asia and the Pacific. Co-led by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN), the Network fosters and supports strategic litigation in the Asia-Pacific region related to human rights in the context of migration and people on the move.
The Network provides a platform for cross-jurisdictional knowledge sharing and peer support as well as capacity development and identifies opportunities for engagement and collaboration amongst legal practitioners in the region.
Members of the Regional UN Network on Migration as well as legal practitioners and advocates who are, or seek to be, actively engaged in strategic litigation related to the human rights of migrants and people on the move in the Asia Pacific region are welcome to join the Strategic Litigation Network.
The Network now boasts over 80 members from across Asia and the Pacific. Members’ thematic focus encompasses human trafficking, migrant workers’ rights, climate mobility, the principle of non-refoulement, issues related to immigration detention, pathways to protection, discrimination and the protection of migrant children.

2 July 2024
A Message from the Cox's Bazar Refugee Camp
Khair Ullah, a Rohingya refugee and dedicated member of the APRRN Youth Working Group, shares the escalating challenges in Cox's Bazar refugee camp, including inadequate healthcare, insufficient rations, human trafficking, and lack of education.

1 March 2023
Voice of America (VOA) -- Death of Uyghur Refugee in Thai Detention Stirs Condemnation
WASHINGTON — A Uyghur refugee from China's Xinjiang region died of alleged police neglect this month at the Bangkok Immigration Detention Center, raising concerns about the treatment of the more than 50 Uyghur refugees who have been held at the center since 2014.

23 August 2022
Japan grants refugee status to 98 Afghans fleeing Taliban rule
Japan has granted refugee status to 98 people who have fled Afghanistan since the Taliban returned to power last August, government sources said Tuesday, in a rare move for a country with a poor record on giving asylum.