Over the past 20 months, we at APRRN have been implementing a co-leadership model, as co-Secretaries General with and without lived experiences of forced migration. We want to share some of the lessons we’ve learned, the challenges we’ve faced, and the positive impact we’ve witnessed, on our journey towards more inclusive leadership and a shift in organisational culture.
What we do
Together, we work to advance the rights and inclusion of refugees and other people in need of protection in the Asia Pacific region—including refugees, asylum seekers, torture survivors and complainants, trafficked persons, IDPs, stateless persons, migrants in vulnerable situations, and returnees—so they may have equal and adequate access to assistance and protection, and to timely durable solutions
Highlights of advocacy efforts undertaken by APRRN and partners over the past month, as well as upcoming activities and opportunities.
Latest Update
Up-to-date highlights of the work APRRN, members and partners are doing and what is happening in the region.